Saturday, February 23, 2008

Monster Child

Oh no... not little Evee... she wouldn't be a monster! I swear she's taking right after her big brother Collin-- with the faces and the attitude!
I was trying to get a nice picture of her in her "Grama" outfit- but she was too distracted by the bouncy bed...
... and all the bugs above her!

Isn't the outfit adorable, though? It finally fits- and perfectly I might add!... you'd think that it was custom made for her, or something!
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1 comment:

Grama Colleen said...

The outfit is cute......FINALLY many of the clothes I think will fit. Course I don't know about the BUG over the head thing.....It would freak Grama out..but Eva seems to love them !!!! TOM BOY little girl....but isn't she CUTE (as a bug !!! :)..) I can't wait to see her BIG GIRL bed !!! I hope she is also POTTY trained by the time I come back for summer !!!