Saturday, February 23, 2008

Big Girl Bed

Evee was so excited to help fix her room and put her big girl bed together today... she was SOOOO helpful. I finally put shelves in her closet, so we could use it properly... it's not just a heaping pile of stuff anymore.

I was supposed to go to Auburn today to paint some more, but it was just so cold, and SO snowy, and I'm SOOO tired! I ended up taking a nap when Eva did- and now look at what time it is... can't win!!

Anyway... our bundle of energy, is bundled up in her new quilt that Grama and Mommy made for her... in her brand new "Big Girl Bed"! We had a little trouble when we had to remove the crib- a little crying and a little negotiating about her paci- we were discussing how big she is now and how big girls don't need a paci. (We've been tapering off of the pacifier, and only having it at bed time.) But she "NEEDED" it, when she realized there were some changes going on. Giving her the paci made it completely fine to take the crib out of her room. (???) We hung more bugs up above her bed too... cutesy, girly bugs- not creepy ones like the boys would have wanted! She went to bed with no problem-- we'll see if all is well by morning though!
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1 comment:

Grama Colleen said...

Looks like she has adjusted. Did she stay in bed all night ??The quilt looks very nice on her new bed. Send me a photo of the closet that you finished I can't wait to see that !!!