Saturday, February 02, 2008

The Boys' 1st Wrestling Match

What a RUSH!... I guess I understand now, how Brian is so into the sport. I have a soar throat and my ribs hurt- and all I did was WATCH! The boys did a great job- especially for their first match. It will be hard for BJ because he's so tall and thin- he's matched up with kids his own weight- but they're short and stocky and more experienced... he didn't win, but he put up a great fight and made them work for it! Collin actually won his first match- he just never lets up!! ... and he's "slippery"! Eva wanted to be in the middle of it all- but spent a lot of time on the side- jumping up and down and yelling for her brothers! I just kept feeding her all morning!

The rest of the Port Byron team did a great job too- Cameron, Jordan, Trevor, Leland and our girls Mary and Catherine. I think Catherine is the best one on the team- she kicked all the boys' butts- and wants to go to the Olympics some day!

They did such an awesome job- I can't wait to go to the next match... and I NEVER thought I'd say that!!
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1 comment:

Grama Colleen said...

...well do they have a "Wrestling Mom" position ???? I would have liked to have seen the activities too.....BUT Grama will stick to summer baseball and short sleeve shirts !!!! Good job BOYS !!!!

Have to get Eva a Port Byron cheerleading suit for the side lines !!!

LYL :).........