Friday, February 15, 2008

Marshmellow Shooters

Now I understand why Tom said that the GIANT bag of marshmellows, that I saw at their house last week, was a surprise!!! I was thinking that they were for some kind of "Martha special" baked treat!

The boys were so funny when they opened their birthday presents (Auntie M and Uncle Tom were out of town for their birthdays- but would never forget!!)- Eva snatched the bag and wanted it opened for her to eat- before the boys even got their shooters put together! I've already had to declare them "outdoor" toys, though... there were marshmellows everywhere! I guess you're only little once! Besides that-- the dog is always perfectly willing to clean up after them! They went outside to see how FAR you could shoot them! SUCH A BOY TOY!

Thank you Uncle Tom and Aunt Martha- I'd have to say that the faces in these photos speak for themselves! We'll have to bring them to YOUR house when we come visit! Do you think FISH eat MARSHMELLOWS??? ;)
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1 comment:

Grama Colleen said...

OH MY GOD !!!! UNCLE TOM and AUNTIE MARTHA have flipped their lids..You know that there will be PAY BACK !!!! and it will be at YOUR house !!!! I say marshmellows make great RIVER fish food !!!!! OR better yet great EVA food !!!!!