Saturday, May 20, 2006

Grama's Dresses

These are the most beautiful dresses- Eva is so lucky to have Grama Colleen's homemade dresses... she'll be the best dressed baby for sure!!! Most of them fit pretty well too- I thought they'd be way too big- but as you can see, only a couple are too big. Now if we could just get the weather to cooperate so Eva can wear all of these outside of the house!! She was a good sport about doing a fashion show for Mommy (especially with Daddy playing peek-a-boo behind the camera!)
Also- the bows were very interesting- so much that it was hard to look at the camera while wearing the ones with bows!!!
Hopefully it will be nice out so Eva can wear the red, white & blue dress for Memorial Day!
CUTE hat too! It's reversable- so we had to have two pictures with it!! (also very interesting to chew on, so getting a picture was pretty hard!!) Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

Martha said...

Don't you look beautiful in all your
"Grama Colleen" originals!!!
Hey Eva, maybe you could put in a good word for Auntie Martha and she could get one of those beautiful hats too!!
Auntie Martha loves hats and has almost as many as you do!I miss you...can't wait to see you tomorrow.
Love, Auntie Martha
Oh & Uncle Tom too(he doesn't look good in hats).