Thursday, May 18, 2006

Eva's Sippy Cup

We have to tip it up for her still, but otherwise she understands the sippy cup!! (and finds it rather amusing...) It's also pretty fun to throw it off the side of the highchair and wait for Mommy to say "uh-oh" or for the dog to run over to see what kind of food he just scored!
Eva's hair is getting longer now too- we get more comments about her "curly mohawk"! I think it's cute!! (of course, I think everything is cute!- I'm the Mama!) Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

Tom & Martha said...

Too cute! OK, sippy cup at Auntie Martha's now too but we're still not getting her a dog to throw things too!!Gosh, you just gotta grin looking at that beautiful happy face!