Wednesday, May 10, 2006

The Fireman

After a very stressful day (our neighbor's house was distroyed by fire today), Collin was very happy when the fireman let him climb up in the truck. Fire is a very scary thing... especially after the fire accross the street two years ago and the house next door today. We waited at Jeremy and Jill's until it was safe to go back home- Collin was pretty worried that our house was burning. We only had a small amount of damage to our fence and shed... and our yard that we finally got grass to start growing in! Not to mention the garden that I literally finished yesterday! It's the least of everyone's worries though- the neighbor's got out safely... we even had to dogsit for a little while. They have insurance and the red cross is helping them, so they say they're okay. The house is a total loss- we'll probably end up with more yard now, actually. Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

Mandy said...

Just a couple spelling and punctuation errors... it's been one of those days!!!