Saturday, February 07, 2009

Collin's SNOWMAN

Collin had fun building a snowman in the yard today- at least it's 40 degrees out instead of ZERO! The dogs were having fun too! It's very difficult to try and get a puppy to pose for a picture... Jed thought Collin was calling him over to wrestle!! As you can tell Hooch joined in the "picture" as soon as he realized it was going to be an action shot!!

It's hard to believe that Jed is only 7 months old! He's going for his "procedure" on Tuesday morning... I had to explain it to Collin in a little more detail than I had hoped to get away with... but he's at that age where everything needs a detailed description!
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1 comment:

Grama Colleen said...

CUT Photo's of Collin and the dogs of course !!!!


MISS the Kids !!