Thursday, February 05, 2009

Chloe & Olivia

Eva is quite a little stinker when it comes to telling Chloe what she's going to do! Not sure if you all recognize the girls... these are Mama Kitty's baby girls from the summer. Unfortunately Mama has since passed away, but her girls are not neglected in any way! The top kitty is Chloe (a.k.a. sassy kitty) and below is Olivia (a.k.a. scaredy cat)... the only way we can tell them apart (aside from the opposite personalities) is that Chloe has "thumbs" on her front feet! They are very cute... and somehow I got suckered into having them in the house, instead of the barn!
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1 comment:

Grama Colleen said...

...a/k/a the twin FAT CATS...look at how BIG they have gotten !! ALSO I need a new picture like the new BLOG FACE PAGE photo of the three kids......LOVE THAT shot (thanks Aunt Libby)