Sunday, February 22, 2009

The "EVA" shirt

I wanted to take a picture of Evee's new shirt and the little stinker wouldn't let me at first! But then, of course, the little "ham" showed up!!
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Saturday, February 07, 2009

Collin's SNOWMAN

Collin had fun building a snowman in the yard today- at least it's 40 degrees out instead of ZERO! The dogs were having fun too! It's very difficult to try and get a puppy to pose for a picture... Jed thought Collin was calling him over to wrestle!! As you can tell Hooch joined in the "picture" as soon as he realized it was going to be an action shot!!

It's hard to believe that Jed is only 7 months old! He's going for his "procedure" on Tuesday morning... I had to explain it to Collin in a little more detail than I had hoped to get away with... but he's at that age where everything needs a detailed description!
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Thursday, February 05, 2009

Mommy and Eva

Eva and I were fooling around with the camera today (it's the only distraction technique that makes her smile when she doesn't feel good!)... we accidentally took this close up picture and I thought it was pretty cool. I couldn't take one like it again if I tried!
And this is our movie star picture... just GORGEOUS!
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Chloe & Olivia

Eva is quite a little stinker when it comes to telling Chloe what she's going to do! Not sure if you all recognize the girls... these are Mama Kitty's baby girls from the summer. Unfortunately Mama has since passed away, but her girls are not neglected in any way! The top kitty is Chloe (a.k.a. sassy kitty) and below is Olivia (a.k.a. scaredy cat)... the only way we can tell them apart (aside from the opposite personalities) is that Chloe has "thumbs" on her front feet! They are very cute... and somehow I got suckered into having them in the house, instead of the barn!
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Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Eva's Dancing Outfit

I know you hate these edited pics Mom!! But isn't she the cutest little ballerina?!
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Monday, February 02, 2009

Happy Birthday Collin!

We went to Ichibans for Collin's Birthday dinner... it was priceless the way Collin watched the flaming onion volcano and flying shrimp tails! He's already decided that he wants to go there next year for his birthday! (Please excuse the bad photos... I took them with my phone because I forgot to bring the camera!!)
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