Sunday, June 29, 2008


They're 2 1/2 weeks old- are they CUTE!! We're trying to come up with good names for them- if anyone has any ideas... So far the choices are Storm, Stormy, Cloud, Smokey...those are a few that BJ came up with, but we're not thrilled with any of those. They look so much a like, but one is slightly lighter than the other- and I think they're both girls... but kittens are tough to determine at only 2 weeks old!
I let them play with my shoes for a bit- kittens are so cute when they're trying to play... or trying to WALK! They're little feet kept slipping so they'd end up flat on their faces! Mama is such a good Mommy too. The babies were distracted from eating and she scooped one up and pulled her back to finish dinner! It's just amazing to me how they are like humans when they communicate with each other- it was like she told her baby that she couldn't leave the table until she was finished eating! Mama gets a little jealous with all the attention on the babies, so she rolls over in front of them for a tummy rub sometimes! (Can you all tell that I haven't had kittens before?!?!)
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Grama Colleen said...

They are SO CUTE.....and then they grow up to be "teen-kittens" just like humans..and get sassy......Names....hum.....
Claris and Celia.....

Southworth Crew said...

Skyler & Baylee good luck I think names are hard you have them for so long.