Sunday, June 08, 2008

Eva with the Flowers

It was just Eva and Mommy the other morning, so we were inspecting all our beautiful flowers- of course Mommy had to take advantage of our quiet time and lure her into some cute photos! It was the perfect opportunity with her "grama dress" on and her natural girly obsession with all the "pretties" in full bloom!
(a little Marilyn Monroe action going on!)
And somehow she inherited Mommy's high school hair-do... even though Mommy's was enhanced with a spiral perm and hairspray! Look at all that HAIR!
Eva liked making the snowballs shed petals!
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siostra Czarnego said...

pretty girl! among the flowers looks really delightfully. And hairdo - excellent!
grettings from Poland.

Grama Colleen said...

What a beautiful princess and she IS SUCH A GIRLY GIRL when she puts on her dresses...oh wait I think I saw her hiking the football in her pretty polly flinders blue dress yesterday....BUT JUST LOOK AT THAT FACE...Grama's angel !!!!