Saturday, March 15, 2008

Eva in the Box

What a goofy kid! I bought these under the bed bins for BJ and Collin, but Eva keeps stealing them to fill them with stuff... she especially likes to put HERSELF in the bin!! They're handy because they unfold and zip across the bottom and have a hinged lid- so if you don't want to use them they won't be in the way... another great IKEA invention... unfortunately when Eva takes them, & empties them to play in... it defeats the purpose of putting things AWAY!!!!
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1 comment:

Grama Colleen said...

Grama misses the kids....and can hardly wait until her "grama fix" in a couple weeks. Leave it to Mandy to get 10 lbs of "stuff" in a 5 lbs space. If she can't do it NOBODY can !!!!