Sunday, March 09, 2008

Crazy Kid!

I can NEVER keep Eva out of the laundry!!! She plays dress up with everyone else's clothes... of course, I had to capture this one... one never knows when blackmail will be necessary!! Don't you love Mommy's "unders" and Daddy's miss matched socks!!
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The Heaney Family said...

What a ham! I LOVE IT! And the main reason for my post..
HAHAHA-you're 32 and I'm still 31!
Just kidding...I'm right behind ya! Hope you had a wonderful day!
Love, Jenn

Grama Colleen said...

Well....Gotta wonder what kind of career path this little one might be "planning." Don't worry Brian at least she is always putting her (or someones) clothes ON !!!!! WHAT A HAM BONE !!!! I love it...