Sunday, January 06, 2008

The Hairdryer

Eva likes to dry her hair by herself now... NOT very productive... but very funny!

Did you see me in the corner? Funny- I'm not usually in any pictures- I get there by accident sometimes!
And we had to ask Daddy to pose with Eva for a picture, so we could see the back of her hair in the mirror. LOOK! I finally get to do hair!! We just started french braiding the top- the first time was on New Year's Eve... she was so pretty- she kept saying, "don't touch my hair-do!" and "don't take it out!" Eva likes to pick out which "pony" to use... and whether we do one pony, two ponies, or just the top!
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1 comment:

Grama Colleen said...

I love the "ponys" braided.....and what great help to have your two year old blow dry her own hair !!! EARLY for that hair do thing...OH have a LONG road ahead of you !!!! I see you in the corner too...