Friday, January 25, 2008

Eva and Her New Jewels

The Thrift Store was moving- so Mommy got an amazing deal on an entire bag of jewels!! I think the boys had just as much fun helping Eva put on all of her new treasures! I brought the mirror out to the kitchen so she could inspect her new get-up (we're going to put it on the back of her door tomorrow- so she can be just like Grama!)
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Grama Colleen said...

Are there any good glass beads for Grama to make bracletes in that bunch ??? ...and what is up with the tongue. SHe doesn't have any jewles on her tongue does she. Maybe Grama needs to take her to get her ears pierced this summer....Talk to Daddy Evee.....

Martha said...

Holy Smokes!! There are some precious jewels there! Umm.. I'm with you Gramma...what's up with the tongue?
Auntie Martha is looking forward to seeing her Ladybug this week!!!!
P.S. leave the jewels home,OK?