Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Trick or Treat

We went over to the Fudo's house, for pizza and trick or treatimg in our old neighborhood...
...the girls were so cute in their costumes (Eva was a ladybug and Margaret was a skunk- the same costume that Alex wore ten years ago that Aunt Donna made)
As you can see, most of the photos are of the girls-- We could barely keep up with the boys, let alone get any photos that were more than just an unrecognizable streak of a boy!! They had fun, though, and ended up with more candy than they'll eat! Don't worry about waste though-- Brian's already diggin' in! BJ and Collin are saving their Almond Joys and Twizzlers for Grama-- and Eva is eating all her "chocos and canny bars" as fast as she can get away with! They're all such sugar addicts!

It was very funny watching the girls trick or treat though- Eva wouldn't even get down, let alone speak more than a couple of thank yous, to these crazy "strangers"... but Margaret got the hang of it pretty quickly. She held her bag out and asked for "more" a couple of times- and always at least signed "thank you". Eva would hold her bag out and say "Daddy get it!" or "Daddy get Choco!" She REFUSED to walk, so Brian and I tag teamed-- both of us have sore arms now.
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1 comment:

Grama Colleen said...

...another successful hunt for HAlloween treats !!! Daddy you stay out of Grama's Almond Joy bars !!!! I have the kids trained for Grama's taste buds... They all look so cute and what fun to be young !!!! Trick or Treat

Love and Miss ya lots !