Monday, October 22, 2007

Halloween Birthday Party

We had the cutest little ladybug birthday girl for the party on Saturday... she's still feeling a little yucky though. We had lots of party guests to help us celebrate Eva's second birthday...
... and then the boys took over for the Halloween portion of the party! We played a toilet paper mummy game, bobbed for apples, and had a scavenger hunt. Uncle Tom won the chili cook off, Aunt Donna and Luke won the gross food contest with their dirt and worms and used kitty litter dishes-- BJ's friend Cameron, Eva and Sammi won the costume contest, in different categories.
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1 comment:

Grama Colleen said...

Costumes were cute....especially Uncle Tom and Sammi.......Food was good and there were mummies (a/k/a toliet paper!!!) everywhere. The kids loved it........even Hooch was in on the fun..... Happy 2nd BIRTHDAY Eva Grace... I love you !