Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Trick or Treat

We went over to the Fudo's house, for pizza and trick or treatimg in our old neighborhood...
...the girls were so cute in their costumes (Eva was a ladybug and Margaret was a skunk- the same costume that Alex wore ten years ago that Aunt Donna made)
As you can see, most of the photos are of the girls-- We could barely keep up with the boys, let alone get any photos that were more than just an unrecognizable streak of a boy!! They had fun, though, and ended up with more candy than they'll eat! Don't worry about waste though-- Brian's already diggin' in! BJ and Collin are saving their Almond Joys and Twizzlers for Grama-- and Eva is eating all her "chocos and canny bars" as fast as she can get away with! They're all such sugar addicts!

It was very funny watching the girls trick or treat though- Eva wouldn't even get down, let alone speak more than a couple of thank yous, to these crazy "strangers"... but Margaret got the hang of it pretty quickly. She held her bag out and asked for "more" a couple of times- and always at least signed "thank you". Eva would hold her bag out and say "Daddy get it!" or "Daddy get Choco!" She REFUSED to walk, so Brian and I tag teamed-- both of us have sore arms now.
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CUTE Costumes!

We finally got a good picture of our MOODY Ladybug!!!
And here's one for Grama-- we miss you!!
Another cute ninja...
...and more pictures of our Evee!
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Collin's Class

Isn't he a cute ninja!
Mrs. McCarthy's 2nd grade class...
...on parade!!

It was such a beautiful day for Halloween- 70 degrees and sunny! We haven't seen such great weather for trick or treating since Florida!!
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Carving Pumpkins

Eva thought she should help...

... but Daddy did most of the carving!
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Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Beautiful Fall Colors

What a gorgeous time of year in upstate New York! Put a big eight pointer in the field and everyone would be happy! ;)
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OH... How she's Grown!

October 24th, 2005
October 24th, 2006
October 24th, 2007
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Eva's ACTUAL Birthday!

We had ice cream (a.k.a. cream cream) cake with Papa and Grama (and Nana on the phone!)
Can you read her lips?!?!
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Monday, October 22, 2007

Pumpkin Cake

Mommy made a pumpkin cake for Eva's party.

I think Eva had more fun feeding the cake to Mommy than eating it herself!
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Halloween Birthday Party

We had the cutest little ladybug birthday girl for the party on Saturday... she's still feeling a little yucky though. We had lots of party guests to help us celebrate Eva's second birthday...
... and then the boys took over for the Halloween portion of the party! We played a toilet paper mummy game, bobbed for apples, and had a scavenger hunt. Uncle Tom won the chili cook off, Aunt Donna and Luke won the gross food contest with their dirt and worms and used kitty litter dishes-- BJ's friend Cameron, Eva and Sammi won the costume contest, in different categories.
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Saturday, October 20, 2007

Carving Pumpkins

Eva LOVES pumpkins...

...these aren't the REAL pumpkins- just the ones for the party- but it sure is fun to get your hands SLIMY!
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Friday, October 19, 2007


Just some "sleeping" pictures I had on the camera...
... such a Daddy's girl!!
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Halloween Chocolate

Eva wasn't feeling good today-- but add a little Motrin and some of her Halloween chocolate from Grama Colleen, and she's good to GO!
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Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Hoochie Poochie

He looks sad- but it's actually relief- our foster dog has gone back to Jeremy and Jill (and hopefully to a new home in a couple days)... she kind of... interfered with his life plan! Being an only dog gets him a bit more attention-- not to mention back in the house. He just sprawled out on the kitchen floor and snoozed in peace today. It was too crowded to have two 80 lb. dogs in the house!! Sara will be a good dog for someone though- hopefully she'll get a new family soon.

Oh-- I know-- the HAIR! I wish I could push it out of her eyes when I look at this picture. Any happy time was welcomed today (with her being sick)-- I wasn't going to mess it up with one of those awful hair clips!
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Doin' the Dishes

At least I can get someone to help around here... such a BIG help!!!
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Monday, October 15, 2007

Happy Birthday Aunt Sandy!

When Eva was born, Aunt Sandy was SO HAPPY that she could give Eva HER birthday... both born on the 24th of October- only a half hour difference in time!!

Aunt Sandy had a great surprise party on Saturday night- her daughters and son planned and carried out a nice casino themed party for her 50th- her favorite band, drinks and yummy food- and a little dancing!! Mom was in charge of getting her to the party and toasting the birthday girl... or at least roasting!!!

Happy Birthday Aunt Sandy!
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