Monday, May 28, 2007

Memorial Day Bonfire

Well- it rained on and off in the evening- but then it cleared up in time to have a fire and some smores! Eva was sleeping by then- but Mommy got to sit and relax and have a little wine after a long day of working! Of course, I'm not in any of the pictures (surprise, surprise!)- I was the picture taker. Grammie finally got to see our new place- and enjoyed a little time in the country.

The girls sat in patio chairs in our empty living room while it was raining, and the boys played outside (dodging the raindrops, of course!) Brian's friend from work and school- Pete- came over with his son too. Pete always teases Brian that Ryan will be dating Eva one day. He and Collin got along great- searching for snakes and frogs and worms -n- things!

We love our new place so much- it suits everyone so well. Brian finally has a real lawn to mow and room for horseshoes, the kids and Hooch have plenty of room to run and build forts and explore, and I have my garden and flowers... the house is a wreck... still under construction- but it's getting there!
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1 comment:

Grama Colleen said...

Looks like another great time. I'll bet gama Joyce loved it. She LOVES being "outdoors" Save some samores for Grama Colleen. I can't wait to get back there next week. What did ya'll get accomplished on your house this weekend ?????