Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Eva in the SINK!

Eva had to get in the sink for a little bath at Auntie Martha and Uncle Tom's- seems she touched the fiberglass boat and was itchy... She didn't seem too upset though- such a water girl! She's been swimming and in "accidental" turning the water on baths... but this was the first "on purpose" one she's had there! Something tells me she'll get into more things now that she knows she can get a special bath!
She's always SO CUTE!
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Martha said...

Maybe someone should have warned Auntie Martha this was a a con-job....hmmmm.
OK-OK-we all know I'd do it all over again!

Grama Colleen said...

Isn't she the cutest little girl in the WHOLE world ??? I am so happy to be here to enjoy her and the boys.....I just love my grandchildren SOOOOO much !!!!