Monday, January 08, 2007

Just Photos!

Just some quick photos of our Eva... she's just CUTE!
Always playing with the legos- we've been learning colors. I almost fell over when she handed me the "llellow" one... apparently I'm not the only one working on her colors with her- Kimmie and Daddy have both been working on colors too! I can't believe how much she's learning-- so quickly!! I told her she was a smarty pants and she grabbed her jeans and looked at me like I was crazy! AMAZING!
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1 comment:

Grama Colleen said...

The child has lots of teachers,she can't help but act like a "Sponge" I can't believe she knows her colors already either...another genious in the Fipps house...Poor Mandy you'll have so many mommy's you'll never get to be "in charge"
Cutie pants !!!! Let me know when you get Grama's box