Sunday, January 07, 2007

BJ's Birthday Sleepover...

...although there wasn't much SLEEP involved!! Collin and Luke headed over to Jill and Jeremy's after pizza and a few video games- but they were ready to go by then!! BJ and the older boys were a little too loud and rambunctious for their taste!!! They were good though- they didn't wake the baby and stayed under control! We forgot to have birthday cake after all the kids were so full of pizza- so they ate it for breakfast and I sent them home!!! Actually Griffin had a basketball game and Josh had bowling league Saturday morning-- hope they didn't fall asleep in the middle of their games! Alex played for a while- then the four boys got together and played all day- I love it! Then they came up with a scheme... so they traded houses and Collin and Luke stayed at our house and BJ and Alex went to Jeremy and Jill's. I know I've said it a thousand times but-- I'm so glad they have each other!
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