Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Collin's Birthday Cake

I can't believe Collin is SEVEN already!! We had birthday cake, of course-- Dark chocolate with chocolate frosting--we have a bunch of chocoholics in our house!! It was really hard for Eva to reach the table to eat cake- so she had to sit on a box (that was Daddy's idea!) We have boosters- but one's in the car, and we haven't gotten the other one out of the attic yet!! As you can see- we sugared them all up- right before bed... Daddy even bought them chocolate milk! Margaret's birthday is next- she'll be one on Friday. AND AGAIN I SAY: THEY'RE ALL GETTING SO BIG! :(
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1 comment:

Tom & Martha said...

Are you sure-Cause I'm not getting any older-I don't understand how your kids can! A very young Auntie Martha