Friday, September 15, 2006

Kitty Sitting

Does anyone want a kitten?! I rescued it from the burned out house across the street- and Petsmart couldn't take it this time! We have this cute baby for two weeks, until the cat rescue in Petsmart has an opening, unless we can find a good home for him (our NON professional opinion says it's a boy- but who knows!!) Evee really likes him, but as it is, Brian wants to get rid of a couple cats! (we only have two!) Grandma Joyce and Aunt Donna went to Cleveland this weekend... they had been watching it at her house... so it has had "Grandma" attention. And he'll go back there on Monday- since I have to work during the day. SO... let me know everybody... even if you know someone who knows someone ( I can't get attached!) Posted by Picasa

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