Saturday, September 30, 2006


We interupt this marriage... for hunting season! But at least BJ and Daddy get some "quality" time together... searching for something to kill! The boys left this morning at 4:30 AM- that's earlier than Brian goes to work-- except he woke up before the alarm clock this morning, and on a regular work day, I have to pry him out of bed!! (BJ's the same with getting up for school!) But... I guess I do the same for Apple Fest or garage sales or whatever. To each is own... I'm glad I'm a berry picker!! Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

Martha said...

The heck with worrying about the deer-the rest of us could smell them coming!
Grama C-you two get up early for the sales & berries-just give Auntie Martha the kids. While BJ & Daddy were having(stinky)quality time; Auntie Martha, Eva & Collin were fishing, swimming in the "hot pool", (as all the kids call the hot tub),eating PB&J's-no PB for Eva yet- can't get a better fall day than that!
Oh-where were Mommy & Uncle Tom you ask? They were at a trade show learning how to do all kinds of neat new things for our houses.