Saturday, September 30, 2006


We interupt this marriage... for hunting season! But at least BJ and Daddy get some "quality" time together... searching for something to kill! The boys left this morning at 4:30 AM- that's earlier than Brian goes to work-- except he woke up before the alarm clock this morning, and on a regular work day, I have to pry him out of bed!! (BJ's the same with getting up for school!) But... I guess I do the same for Apple Fest or garage sales or whatever. To each is own... I'm glad I'm a berry picker!! Posted by Picasa

Friday, September 29, 2006

Going, Going, GONE!

Most of you already know about our lovely view... the house that had a fire... THREE YEARS AGO!!! The city FINALLY had it torn down this week. The boys really wanted to skip school on Thursday to watch the demolition- but I guess I'm a mean Mommy-'cuz I made them go to school! (Jill recorded parts of it with their video camera for them to see!) Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Eva's First Day at Kimmie's

Evee had a great time at Kimmie's house (she told me that it wasn't quite as good as cuddling with Auntie Martha, though!) Eva played with Kim and her new friends, Jenna and Mitchel... she was so exhausted that she slept from 6:30PM until 7 o'clock the next morning!! Posted by Picasa

Monday, September 25, 2006

We're in the Newspaper AGAIN!

I guess we should actually get a newspaper subscription!!- BJ came home from school with this today (and Jill picked us up an extra copy, too!) Somehow we end up in the paper often! This one's from the open house they had at the boys' school last Wednesday- they were so excited to show us everything (again!) We love both of their teachers- they're good matches for both of them! Posted by Picasa

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Family Photos!

Such cuties- aren't they!! They're also posed with Grama Colleen (of course- everyone knows Grama Colleen!) and with Grandma Carol and Grandpa Coop (a.k.a. Dozer). We visited with Grama for one last day before she heads back to Florida, and Brian helped Grandpa close up the pool. These clues sure do point to fall- don't they!!! Grandma will come back one more time- for Eva's birthday- but she's really gambling with the weather thing!

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More Kittens!

This isn't even the same black kitty!! The Mama cat accidentally dropped these kittens infront of our house- I startled her when she was moving them out of the burned house, but she didn't put up much of a fight when I tried to get them. My Mom thought she would be traumatized because I took her babies away- I think she probably spent a night out on the town- "lookin' for love"... can someone PLEASE spay that animal!! (one of the neighbors has been working on her to get her comfortable with people- so we can actually CATCH her!) I'd like to be able to sell our house for a reasonable price next year- not get what we can for a cat infested house surrounded by falling down, burned out houses!! ANYWAY- Eva loves having the kittens, but we have to set up the barricade, so she doesn't maul them!

Needless to say: we have KITTENS FOR ADOPTION! We have a beautiful black female ( her black brother, from earlier in the week, has been spoken for) and we have a very cute tiger striped male... they're very playful and eating & going potty in the litter on their own now. Grandma Joyce will be babysitting the three of them for a few more days, until "Frankie" goes to his new home and these other two nameless critters are adopted or go to the cat coalition at Petsmart. I, of course, asked Brian if we could keep one (I know- I'm a sucker), but he adamantly refused! (WHY AM I NOT SUPRISED!?) He said we could get rid of one of our older ones (not that I would ever do that!) and trade it in-- until Jeremy reminded him that Oreo and Missy are 5 years closer to death than a new kitten would be!! And since Hooch wasn't a cat eater- like Brian planned- we have to have cats until the kids move out and take them with them... or they die! Posted by Picasa

Saturday, September 23, 2006


It was SOOOO chaotic- we could hardly stand it!! BJ started basketball, and his first game was on Friday. No one was prepared (can you tell by the clothes?!) and it was loud (5th grade cheerleaders!) and we didn't even get to watch BJ play because it was supposed to start at 5 o'clock at Casey Park Elementary... at 4:15 PM, BJ called to tell us that it was "all screwed up." They changed it to start at 4:30 PM and it was at BJ's school instead! Oh well- hopefully next week it will be better!! Eva thought it was great- she was dancing to the screaming cheerleaders... she's always happy though! Posted by Picasa

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Spoiled Eva

Grama came to stay overnight with us- Eva's just a little spoiled... but aren't we all! We love you Grama Colleen! Posted by Picasa

Brian's New Toy

Brian got an early birthday present from his favorite mother-in-law today. Of course we had already gone and come back from our new property, so he decided to try it out in a tree next to our house in Auburn! (what a goof!) He can't wait for hunting season to start! Posted by Picasa

Football in the Street

They're typical boys I guess!! -- beatin' on each other and playing "kill the carrier" as our Jesse calls it!! I had them stop and pose for a photo because I couldn't get any good action pictures with my camera!! (they're too quick!)
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Friday, September 15, 2006

Kitty Sitting

Does anyone want a kitten?! I rescued it from the burned out house across the street- and Petsmart couldn't take it this time! We have this cute baby for two weeks, until the cat rescue in Petsmart has an opening, unless we can find a good home for him (our NON professional opinion says it's a boy- but who knows!!) Evee really likes him, but as it is, Brian wants to get rid of a couple cats! (we only have two!) Grandma Joyce and Aunt Donna went to Cleveland this weekend... they had been watching it at her house... so it has had "Grandma" attention. And he'll go back there on Monday- since I have to work during the day. SO... let me know everybody... even if you know someone who knows someone ( I can't get attached!) Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Newspaper article

Apparently our children are very photogenic-- Remember Collin's photo on the front page of the Post Standard last year? Well... here's another front page! Of course, this one was on the front page of the Cayuga County edition-- so I didn't get as many phone calls this time! Posted by Picasa

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Our new property!

We are so happy about our latest news... We bought a piece of land to build a house on!! It will take a long time and lots of work-- but it's such a beautiful spot! Our own little nature preserve (translation for Brian: hunting goldmine!) We have 6.6 acres in Montezuma, NY-- it's mostly wooded, with trails through the woods, a barn, a swampy part in the back, a creek running along the side and lots of flowers and big rocks! (We have a school bus for some reason too- but obviously that's not staying!) It came already equiped with a doublewide trailer (a.k.a. the "job trailer"!!), which includes a well and a septic system that was recently redone to accommodate a four bedroom home.

We have to thank our great friend Tom for helping us find and purchase our dream... (he's the auction expert!!) I bit all my nails off last Wednesday- it was parcel #14- so it took forever to get to it, and even longer it seemed to bid on it!!! (the bidding was actually fast, of course, it just seemed like an eternity!) I still can't believe it's true- but it's ours!!! (it'll be more official in 30 days when we have all the paperwork finished and the deed in our hands, but whatever!)

The boys have already picked out where their tree house will be and where we can have our bonfire. (Daddy helped find good spots) Daddy even picked out where his tree stands will go. Apparently there are a lot of BIG deer around... we saw lots of tracks. Oh yeah- and the house will have a great place too! The existing well and septic are actually in the right place so we can put the house where we want to- we just need our favorite architect, Jill, and our favorite engineer, Jeremy, to help us with our house plan! It will all come together soon- but for now... we know where we're going to be!
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Wednesday, September 06, 2006

First Day at Genesee

Alex and Luke joined BJ and Collin at Genesee Elementary this year-- BJ introduced Alex to some of his friends and Jill and I (and Eva and Margaret) walked all the boys to their classes. Luke has BJ's old 3rd grade teacher, Collin is right above his kindergarden teacher, who he adores, and BJ and Alex are right next door to each other. Hopefully all will go well this year- the older boys' last year in elementary! (ALREADY!) Posted by Picasa

First Day Back to School

Collin can't wait to get back to school!
NOTE: BJ's "skater" attitude!
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Eva had to wear her school clothes too! (Mommy's excuse to put her in a dress!)

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

The Boys Are Back In Town!

We sure did miss Alex and Luke... Collin started asking for them when their plane hit the ground from their Florida trip, I think!! The Fudo's were visiting the "other" Fudo's in Cleveland, though, so they didn't get to see each other until today!! But all is right in the world again!

Did you notice all the leaves on the ground? :( I love fall... but let's not say the "W" word!! Posted by Picasa

Friday, September 01, 2006

Bill Clinton

We actually got to see and shake hands with former president Bill Clinton, at the State Fair today. As Uncle Tom said when we got home- it was a very momentous occasion. Obviously Eva won't remember- and we didn't get a picture of her handshake, but Mr. Clinton shook my hand, then looked at her and said, "what a beautiful girl", as her took her hand. Not everyone gets the chance to shake hands with the president (former, of course) and see the secret service men and all the police officers surrounding him. It was pretty cool, to say the least!

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Girls' Day at the Fair

We had such a great time at the fair today- Aunt Donna, Auntie Martha Mommy and Eva had a girls only day. Auntie Martha bought Eva a cute little beaded purse that she kept her "Oh's" and her "paci" in. Eva tried a little hummus with her fries(ketchup is for BOYS!) and helped push the stroller for a little while. She even rode on her very first ride... the dairy-go-round. Aunt Donna had to practically tie her hands down to try on the cowboy hats... I mean COWGIRL HATS! And then- as you can see by the last picture- Eva was exhausted. It was so fun to window shop, and chat, and eat salad and water all day with the girls--- ;) Posted by Picasa