Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Your BARN Door's open!

Well... CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?!?!? We actually have a barn door!! It's pretty and it's HEAVY! We actually got most of the hardware from one of my "save the wood" missions where Eddie and Brian helped me disassemble an old barn...

Now, instead of cleaning the barn... we can just shut the door! Great idea-huh? It's kinda freakin' the cats out too- but they're sheltered from the weather a bit more now.
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Grama Colleen said...

LOOK GREAT ! I can't tell does it swing or slide sideways ???? Might be really dark in there now.....What a great job the apprentice (a/k/a BJ) is doing too !!!! Bet ya'll wish you could wear those shorts today !!! :)


Mandy said...

It slides to the side- and it's HEAVY!!!

Martha said...

Sure is a Big barn door!
Hey BJ...looks like Uncle Tom will be putting you to work next time you come over! I'm thinking maybe a pair of work gloves so you don't have to stretch out your sleeves anymore..hmm.

Miss you! Love, Aunt Martha & Uncle Tom