Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Cold Stream Falls

Well... as usual the road was flooded- but this year the water was especially high... they've had tons of rain there too, so some of the roads that aren't usually flooded, were this year! I'm glad Brian got the new 4x4! We all- all nine of us- would pile in his truck to go places!
This was the view out the side door as we went through the water to get to our secret water falls- we swim in them every year- so we couldn't wimp out and break tradition!
The water was icy cold again this year- but that never stops our crazy boys!
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Grama Colleen said...

OK....Now Grama prefers sun to ice any day (except in her wine glass ! :)....) I think maybe you might need wet suits.....

Southworth Crew said...

Wow that looks like a great family adventure!