Sunday, August 31, 2008


This is the same mountain that we've gone back to climb every year. The kids never get tired of it!

Eva enjoyed being able to climb the "rocks" herself this year- she was determined to be a big girl!
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Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Mama & Baby MOOSE!

We got a great shot of this Cow and Calf (No Bull!)
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Cold Stream Falls

Well... as usual the road was flooded- but this year the water was especially high... they've had tons of rain there too, so some of the roads that aren't usually flooded, were this year! I'm glad Brian got the new 4x4! We all- all nine of us- would pile in his truck to go places!
This was the view out the side door as we went through the water to get to our secret water falls- we swim in them every year- so we couldn't wimp out and break tradition!
The water was icy cold again this year- but that never stops our crazy boys!
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Sunset Photos

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Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Cold Stream Pond

Just some snap shots from the pond...
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Group Shot

This was taken at our favorite spot in Maine... Cold Stream Pond. A quick click and off to fishing... or that's what we thought... it was too windy for the canoes that night, we found out! But not to worry- we always take a few trips to this Pond!
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Monday, August 25, 2008

Maine Photos...

Well... we had a GREAT trip to Maine (Our 5th annual!) I took over 400 pictures, so this will be the first of many! I'm also playing with the newest editing tool on my favorite photo editing program- the new collages look like fun!

Check out these crazy deer! They came right up to the windows and everything! One had triplets she was nursing, so they were VERY hungry... yeah right... they told all the sites that they were starving! I think they're the best fed deer in Maine!

The kids swam in Moosehead Lake... brrrrrrrrr! Eva's no dummy though- she sat and played with Daddy while the other kids jumped in like the water was 90 degrees! (It was more like 65!)
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Monday, August 11, 2008

Birthday Party Pig Roast

There were LOTS of kids at this party!! And lots of birthdays... Johnny's 30th, Ashlyn, Avery, Axel, Britnie and Katie... Happy birthday to ALL!
Did you see the PIG?!?! It just walks around like a dog! He's a potbelly pig- ironic at a pig roast- isn't it!!
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Sunday, August 10, 2008

What a HAM!

Every time I get the camera out- little Miss Eva wants me to take her picture! She is such a goofy girl with all her faces- and so CUTE with that dimple!
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Tuesday, August 05, 2008


What beautiful flowers!

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Jack in the Box

I found this Jack in the Box at a garage sale- it's older that I am!!!- I REALLY wish I had the video camera rolling the first time Eva "popped open" the box! She jumped a mile! Now she just sings "Pop goes the Weasel" over and OVER! I intended to put it up for auction on eBay (you'd be surprised what people will buy!)- but who wants to take this away now!