Friday, July 11, 2008

Curly Q

Eva got her hair trimmed tonight... SO CURLY!! She's so funny about it too-... I had told her about her hair appointment this morning when I dropped her off, and she has such a good memory, that as soon as Brian picked her up from Kimmie's she wanted to know when she was going for her haircut! She said she likes Jody because she gave her a sucker! She also really likes to stop in the Port Byron Post Office, because the post master gives her DumDums every time!!
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Grama Colleen said...

JUST LOOK AT THAT BEAUTIFUL FACE..... Grama's Angel girl...I was just thinking she might need a hair cut soon.... Can't blame a girl for liking "sweet things" If only the future MEN/BOYS in her life would remember the way to a girls heart is.....SWEETNESS !!!

Grama Colleen said...

GRAMA was so HAPPY to see her angel girl.....We got to play all day on Saturday....... Eva spent most of the day fixing grama's arm. Who needs these MD's anyway, when you can have a paci and a blankie and lots of little girl kisses ?