Sunday, April 20, 2008

Water Fight

I can't believe it was 84 degrees here yesterday! The Mommies were in charge of the kids and the food- and we had fun watching the crazy children play in the water! Apparently, Eva was in charge of the hose... and the water fight went on all around her! I tried to get her to look at me for a picture, but she was "doin' the water"!!!!

The older kids went down to the river and to the pond across the road to go fishing- got some croppie (that's what Brian called them- looked like sunfish to me, but what do I know!)... I guess the fishing is really good... until your crazy dog jumps into the pond to fetch your lost bobber! (he got it and brought it back too!!!) Hooch was dying to go with them, and we finally just let him go. He was so good with all the kids- and really loves accompanying the boys when they go to the fishin' hole! They were throwing sticks in for him to fetch too. It is SOOOO nice living in the country!
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Grama Colleen said...

...are you SURE these pictures weer taken in NYS ????? I can Hootch "fishing" what a good dog he has become. Arn't we glad we didn't give up on him...woff woff!!!

Martha said...

Down to the river & across the pond....croppies.... fishin hole....
Did I stumble onto The Walton's Blog????

Grama Colleen said...

GRAMA needs new pictures of the "WALTON's" or the Fipps family will do !!!!!!