Saturday, December 01, 2007

Picking out our tree

Cute place to pose for a photo...
We finally found a tree that was smushed between two other ones. We decided that we would take our chances and cut it, even though we couldn't really tell what it looked like for sure. Brian loved the suspense!! We wanted something different this year- we always pick the same perfect blue spruce- but this year we picked a longer needled, fluffier tree (couldn't even tell you what the name of it is!) It will be beautiful... when I'm done with it. It needs a little "LOVE"- and as Brian said, and the family agreed, it will get to fulfill it's Christmas tree destiny and we'll love it like no other family would.
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1 comment:

Grama Colleen said...

WELL...where is the tree...I don't see no tree !!!!!!! AM I blind or just realy loosing my marbles???? look happy !!!!!