Friday, December 28, 2007

Christmas Morning

Santa showed up AGAIN! And he brought LOTS of STUFF! Of course Mommy's not in any pictures- but Mommy got some cool things too.
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Christmas PJs

Santa delivered the PJs right on schedule again this year...
Don't we all look GREAT!
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Tuesday, December 18, 2007


I'd like to take this opportunity to thank Nana...
... styrofoam peanuts are so much fun to play in...
... and clean up off the floor... and the walls... and when they're tracked through EVERY room in the house!!! Eva had such fun making a mess AND cleaning them up with her dust pan (a.k.a. her frying pan from her play kitchen!!) But don't worry-- we mailed them ALL back to you!!! :)
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Snow Day Again!

WOW- We got A LOT of snow!!
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My Sleeping Baby

Eva's been a little sick with a cold... but she's so sweet when she sleeps!
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Sunday, December 16, 2007

The boys

I had to snap this one last night- it brought back memories from when we first moved back to New York...

... they have grown SO much! :(
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Sammi and Zack

The weather held out just long enough for us to get to Victor for the show! Eva didn't make it- Daddy had to leave with her... but the rest of the kids loved the show! We all did!

Zach was Scrooge's nephew and Sammi was Jacob Marley (Scrooge's dead partner). They were so good- they both had songs to sing.

And after the show- the stars posed for photos!
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Eva and Santa (and Mommy)

This is the progression from absolutely terrified (again this year!) ... to "Mommy save me!"... to "oh, he has presents?"... to "What a great guy Santa is- from ten feet away!!"
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BJ's on the edge- but humoring me!!
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The many faces of Collin!

Collin is our best Santa boy- he is so cute! The other day he received a letter in the mail from Santa- you'd have thought he was handed a brick of gold! He jumped up and down and giggled about how lucky he was. He needed to show Mrs. McCarthy (his teacher) right away! He also needed to show Ethan (a boy at school), because he had been very bad... Collin needed to remind him that Santa is always watching, and that he had proof right here!!!

Thank you Gramer Carol- for giving Santa the message that Collin needed a letter- Mommy needed a behavior booster! :)
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Christmas Tree

We love you Grama Colleen- hope you feel better SOON!
Don't send a lame Holiday eCard. Try JibJab Sendables!

Friday, December 14, 2007

Snowball Fight

Don't send a lame Holiday eCard. Try JibJab Sendables!

What fun a snowball fight is... looks like we'll have plenty of ammo after this weekend!!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Brushing Teeth

I know she'll hate me for this one... but I was laughing so hard!! Eva and Grama were making cookies (hence the apron!), when she realized she had to go potty. And, of course, like everyone knows- you MUST wash your hands AND brush your teeth after going to the bathroom! Obviously she's obsessed with teeth brushing lately- so I had plenty of time to run for the camera!

FYI: she DID put her clothes back on to bake (well... make rice crispie treats- Grama's still not feeling the greatest!) POOR GRAMA!
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Sunday, December 09, 2007

Cooper Christmas

We also had a get together for the Cooper family...
BJ and Anthony got along great!
Collin, Jacob and Jeffrey were crazy people- running and wrestling... and Eva was pretty tired, but happy to see Grama Colleen and the babydoll that she gave her to open now.
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Trimming the Tree

The girls were the most interested in the annual tree trimming party that we have for Aunt Donna's birthday...
... Aunt Donna wasn't feeling the greatest today, so she just let the kids do all the trimming. Hope she feels better soon- we have shopping to do!!
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Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Collin's Christmas Concert

What a handsome boy... was a very nice show. Collin played the...(don't know what it's called), but it's definately not the xylophone (says Collin)!!
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Tuesday, December 04, 2007

1st Snow Day

The only one that wants to go out there is Hooch!! The snow comes up to his belly!
I just thought this snow drift was cool when I opened the door... IS beautiful (when you're INSIDE!)
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Monday, December 03, 2007

Eva's Hat

We found last year's hat in our winter stuff- and of course Eva had to wear it now! What a cute little dimple!
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Sunday, December 02, 2007


What a cute little Ms. Claus (pay no attention to the pink dress!)

And here's our Christmas tree- a little snip and trim and decorations and it's beautiful!! It even got a brand new tree stand, since our old one is lost in the Montezuma Triangle (a.k.a. in the barn SOMEWHERE!)
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