Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Wild Flowers

I know it's not the kids- but look at how beautiful these wild flowers are!It was a little too dark for Brian to take my picture outside with them- you can barely see me when I'm standing in the middle with the flowers. The kids would be lost, like a corn maze. Oh-- and I kept thinking I was finding one of the kids lost balls out there-- but they're gourds! The wild, from no where gourds, are bigger than the pumpkins that we planted on purpose! And they stretch for 50 feet in all directions! They're even growing up the stalks of the sunflowers! (that are FEET taller than me!!) And all of this is where our famous bulldozer used to live! I wonder if the farmer who reclaimed his long lost bulldozer used to grow gourds?!
Hey Martha--(a.k.a.- grower of all things)-- What the heck is this crazy looking flower??!!
So many varieties of sunflowers...
...and even a green flower (on the right side of photo). I've heard of green cats, but not green flowers!! (long story short- with Brian's colorblindness, he thought that cats were green-- I guess no one ever told him otherwise!!-- so we pick on him now and then!!)
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1 comment:

Grama Colleen said...

Absolutely beautiful....I LOVE the flowers, one of those little miracles just like babies !!!
.....and thank you for the beautiful bouquet that you delivered to me today !!!! WHO NEEDS GRANDKID pictures ????
.....well I do, right Auntie Martha !