Wednesday, April 18, 2007

One Last Hurrah...

Well- yesterday the boys built a pickle nosed snowman- and today they're going up to the cemetery for one LAST sledding trip!!! (it better be the LAST!) Alex and Luke are in Oklahoma, so their sledding buddies are Josh and Trevor this time.
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Grama Colleen said...

Tell me the snow is already melted..... Grama does NOT WANT TO HAVE TO GET her witch me I'm melting...I'm melting....what a wicked world...wicked world..... ugh.....I HATE SNOW !!!! see ya tomorrow LYL

Tfipps said...

That is so funny that our blog addresses are so close. I wonder if we're somehow related. Most of the "Fipps" in our family are in the Charleston/Johns Island, SC area.