Wednesday, April 18, 2007

One Last Hurrah...

Well- yesterday the boys built a pickle nosed snowman- and today they're going up to the cemetery for one LAST sledding trip!!! (it better be the LAST!) Alex and Luke are in Oklahoma, so their sledding buddies are Josh and Trevor this time.
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Playin' Car

Eva was zoomin' Margaret all over the house!!! When Papa Steve came over to pick Margaret up, he decided that they should go into the ice cream truck business in the summer (this car does have lovely music!) They're so cute together!
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Monday, April 16, 2007


My flowers are coming up UNDER all this CRAP!
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Sunday, April 15, 2007

Easter Chocolate

Eva sat on the table and enjoyed some of her Easter chocolate-- until...
...Uh OOOOH- she got it all over her hands!!!
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Tuesday, April 10, 2007

BJs Band Concert

Aren't they handsome...
...and GOOFY! These are BJ's "buds": Eric, Kaylee and Alex (of course!)

They did a wonderful job- I couldn't take good photos in the auditorium but don't worry Grama- we have VIDEO!!!
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Sunday, April 08, 2007

Easter Party at Aunt Donna's

As usual, we had a great time at Aunt Donna and Uncle Gary's- slightly chaotic, but the kids had a blast and dinner was delicious!
In order: Aunt Donna with Margaret
BJ and Alex
Jeremy and Margaret
Julie and Jack
Luke and Collin
Axel and Brianna
and John!
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The Boys

At least the boys were good...
... and handsome!
Eva laid down on the floor and refused any more photos- so I didn't get a good one of the three of them together. :(
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Eva's Easter Dress

CUTE isn't she?
It didn't last long- she wouldn't cooperate for anymore pictures after this one... she threw a ROYAL FIT!
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Egg Hunt

Eva got the concept right away about hunting for the Easter eggs- she was zipping around looking in shoes and in the cushions. When BJ or Collin found an egg, she'd grab it and put it in the carton. We had a quick timeout from hunting, while I scrubbed the egg dye out of the carpet though! One of the empty cartons had a puddle of dye in it- and of course in the excitement, it got FLUNG across the living room! (LOVE that Bissell Spotlifter!)
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The Bunny Filled the Baskets!

The kids got new Yankee hats and some baseball gear- in addition to all the normal candy and gadgets. (Notice Eva's Valentine's Day/ Easter PJs that Grama made for her!!)
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Coloring Easter Eggs

It was a quite a challenge to keep Eva from eating the eggs and drinking the food coloring!!... But we successfully colored 32 eggs... (we had a few casualties!)... and we only spilled once!
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Friday, April 06, 2007

The Easter Bunny

Once again Eva was thrilled to SEE the bunny, but not to SIT with the bunny!! BJ didn't want to go up there either- he's too big... but he did it for his brother and sister. At least he's still a good sport about it!
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Monday, April 02, 2007

Eva's Hair-Do

Eva's hair is finally long enough to put in a pony tail- SO CUTE!

Oh- and the last picture in the bunch- she's talkin' on her cell phone (Daddy gave her his old phone- the one he ran over with a lift at work!!)
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