Thursday, March 15, 2007

Eva's New Shoes

Eva went shopping with Auntie Martha and came home with these... I don't know how that could have happened... she saw them and said "mine"... and Auntie agreed!!! She's not spoiled at all!!! The funny thing is- we found out that Margaret has the same pair and won't take them off. I guess they have the same taste! Eva, on the other hand, takes them on and off, and on and off- and screams when they don't go on her feet right. Teddy was also wearing them for a little while today!
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1 comment:

Martha said...

Funny-Teddy didn't scream when we put the shoes on his feet! Of course she's not spoiled....she needed bigger shoes 'cause she has boo-boos on her toes & this way they won't rub.
(sounds good huh?)