Saturday, March 31, 2007

The New Place

It was such a gorgeous day- and we got the siding done on the back of the house. We had a few extra "helpers"... well... they got to play in the woods anyway. I put new trim on the back door (had to get a little creative!) and painted the fascia and soffit almost all the way around the house. Of course our goals were totally unrealistic for only one day's work- but the guys got all the siding up that we needed to. (And I only had to go to Lowe's once!!!) We'll paint the rest of the house next time. It's supposed to rain tomorrow though. Everyone's exhausted-- including Hooch-- he was so good. Eva was great too- she's such an outdoors girl.
That will be our new address by the way (probably not until June or so though):
8772 Denman Rd.
Montezuma, NY 13117
I don't know if you can tell from this photo of all of us, but we're all VERY filthy! The addition part of the house was only covered in tar paper (that's why we needed to put siding on it!) Our "tenant" (the former owner) is a little CRAZY! Hopefully he'll be moving soon- as per our agreement- but we're not holding our breath for a SMOOTH transition. We have the law on our side though!! Wish us LUCK!
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Tuesday, March 27, 2007

In the Paper AGAIN!

Well- here he is again- in the paper!! This one was in The Citizen (the Auburn paper) yesterday. Brian and I agreed that we must have the cutest kids around- since they're always in the paper!! This one was only on page C2- but it did take up half the page! CUTIE PIE!
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Saturday, March 24, 2007

Outside at Auntie Martha's

What a nice sunny day to fill the bird feeders with Auntie Martha. Now that Eva has a "doggie backpack" (with a leash!!) -we don't have to worry about her fearlessness of the river as much! Of course- it's a funny game to her!!
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Logan's Birthday Party

The boys had a great time playing laser tag and video games at Logan's arcade party...
...Eva enjoyed "Skee Ball" with Connor- even if it wasn't HER game to play!! She just wanted to throw the balls! (She even stole some from people we didn't even know!!!)
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Thursday, March 22, 2007

Helpin' Mommy Sweep

Eva was a great help today at Auntie Martha and Uncle Tom's house... She thought that we should SPREAD OUT that terrible pile of saw dust that we just made!!!
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Friday, March 16, 2007

Margaret and Eva

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Thursday, March 15, 2007

Mommy and Eva

Mommy doesn't look very good-- but no one looks at me anyway!!! I know I haven't posted anything in a while- I've been SO TIRED lately! I just held the camera out to take this one (as you can probably tell!) Eva didn't want me to take a picture of just her- she wanted to sit ON me! IMPROVISE! I did notice that we have the same color eyes though- that's my girl!
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Eva's New Shoes

Eva went shopping with Auntie Martha and came home with these... I don't know how that could have happened... she saw them and said "mine"... and Auntie agreed!!! She's not spoiled at all!!! The funny thing is- we found out that Margaret has the same pair and won't take them off. I guess they have the same taste! Eva, on the other hand, takes them on and off, and on and off- and screams when they don't go on her feet right. Teddy was also wearing them for a little while today!
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Monday, March 05, 2007

Daddy's Homework

Eva is a HUGE help when Daddy's trying to do his homework... as a matter of fact- she's a BIG help with just about everything around the house... feeding the dog, vacuuming, laundry......
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Sunday, March 04, 2007

Grama, Papa and the Kids

Well... this was our last day at Grama and Papa's house... and the last of the Florida pictures! Every one thinks I'm crazy with all my picture taking- but I don't care... I love my pictures!!
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Eva with her Shells

Eva spent a lot of time loading and dumping and reloading shells into Grama's bowl- they were VERY interesting! She learned the word "outside" while we were there too- but if she couldn't convince anyone to take her "outside" she would sit in the doorway and play. It was also a very popular spot to sit and brush her pony's mane- My Little Ponies have become the favorite toy- I had those when I was little!!!
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Hat Baby

She actually left this hat on for a while- at least long enough to take a bunch of pictures!! She's very used to modeling by now!!
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Papa Walt's Fish Fry

Uncle Jeff's the only one that caught a keeper when the boys went fishing- but not to worry... Papa has plenty of fish!! We had a fish fry with a couple of Mom and Walt's friends- Mary, Jeff and Barb- it was yummy as usual!

Did anyone else notice the goofy kid that's always in the front of these pictures?!
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Similar Photos!!

I didn't realize at the time, but this new picture of Eva looks a lot like one I took of BJ when he was two. That was BJ's "fishin' outfit" for when we went to Grammie and PopPop's camper. (Eva's lookin' a little girlier in her butterfly outfit!!!)
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Friday, March 02, 2007

Swimmin' at Grama's

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At the Beach

We all had fun- eating hot dogs and playing in the sand...
... Eva found sand to be WAY better than grass!
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All of us in SUNNY Florida!

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Ride on the Boat

The boys really enjoyed themselves- sitting on the front of the boat. We saw lots of pelicans and birds- and even a raccoon next to the shore.
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Eva Loves Grama

I guess since Grama was the first face our little Eva saw in her life- she has a special bond with her!
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Thursday, March 01, 2007

The way to Eva's Heart... through her stomach!!!! It took several days, but Uncle Josh finally got Eva's attention-- FOOD! He held her while making breakfast and then fed her eggs!! Now they're best buddies!

I have lots of Florida pictures to share- but I've got to pace myself!!... I took over five HUNDRED pictures with that "new camera"!!! So don't worry (Grama Colleen), I'll post some from your house tomorrow!!
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Great Dinner at Dad's

My brother, the chef, made us a delicious dinner on our last night at Dad and Rachel's house. By this point we had been very SPOILED, and this just topped it off!!! Saturday night we went to a dinner party with Dad and his hunting buddies (and the wives, of course!) and had gator and duck and some other yummy things... then on Sunday we had venison and gator at Grammie's house... then, on Tuesday, Josh made some seafood and veggies while Dad grilled steak!!! YUM! No wonder I gained TEN pounds in a week and a half!!
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Mets Spring Training

OKAY- So it wasn't the Yankees- but it was really cool to be right next to these guys!! I had no idea that they practice ten minutes from Dad's house!! (Thanks for the tip Uncle Tom!) The boys got some autographs- with Uncle Josh's help (those are his shoulders that Collin is sitting on!) And they each got a souvenir ball at the "Tradition Field" stand. Eva even got a pink Mets ball! It was a beautiful afternoon at the ballpark!
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