Sunday, February 11, 2007

Samantha's Play

What a star!!! I had the pleasure of helping with hair backstage before their performance... I SO love doing hair... but I am SOOOO not ready to have a teenage daughter!!! Thank god I have twelve more years to prepare!! Samantha was beautiful, of course, and I am amazed that these kids are in seventh and eighth grade- their performance was nearly flawless- and their voices were incredible. It was as good, if not BETTER than any high school play that I've been to! I'm so glad that we got to go- the boys loved it, too. I can't believe that our little Sami is old enough to be on stage- wasn't it just yesterday that I lived with them in Long Island?! I swear we were just singing Barney songs!
Here's Sami with her Brian- should I be jealous?!? :)
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