Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Another Snow Day picture...

That's Jeremy"chillin" while Brian throws the kids around!!!
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Snow Day

All I can say is: BOYS ARE CRAZY!!! (it's DAMN cold out there!!)
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Tuesday, February 13, 2007

At the "PARTY"!

Eva enjoyed coloring- translation: holding the crayons and walking around the house while Mommy follows her to make sure she doesn't write on anything at someone else's house!!!!
Eva was also a little jealous when HER Grandma Jan Jan was holding another baby! Isn't Hannah beautiful!!! Note to Nana: Hannah really likes Elmo too!! (we brought it over to show Grandma)
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Sunday, February 11, 2007

Samantha's Play

What a star!!! I had the pleasure of helping with hair backstage before their performance... I SO love doing hair... but I am SOOOO not ready to have a teenage daughter!!! Thank god I have twelve more years to prepare!! Samantha was beautiful, of course, and I am amazed that these kids are in seventh and eighth grade- their performance was nearly flawless- and their voices were incredible. It was as good, if not BETTER than any high school play that I've been to! I'm so glad that we got to go- the boys loved it, too. I can't believe that our little Sami is old enough to be on stage- wasn't it just yesterday that I lived with them in Long Island?! I swear we were just singing Barney songs!
Here's Sami with her Brian- should I be jealous?!? :)
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Saturday, February 10, 2007

Playin' Dress-up

Eva spends a lot of time playing dress-up with any clothing she can find... especially someone else's! Hat's are especially great- but only when SHE puts them on herself! And she had a difficult time trying to walk around with her new hip boots on! So funny! Hopefully I will get my new camera today- I really needed to capture this one- and had to hold the camera together while clicking the picture! It worked- as you can see- but what a pain!!
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Daddy's New Workout!

Eva decided that the Lego container was much more fun when Daddy was exercising with it... a 23 pound weight is pretty good exercise! Of course, Daddy was tired long before Eva felt ready for him to quit... he also does leg lifts with the same weight! Everyone needs a personal trainer like Eva!!!
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Thursday, February 08, 2007


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Eva and Margaret

Well... due to my lack of camera... I have been forced to post OLD PICTURES! But you haven't seen them before- so I guess it's okay! They're not even that old- they're from Margaret's birthday.
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Monday, February 05, 2007

Cute Baby!

I know- I know- she's not a baby anymore! But like I tell the boys-- they'll always be my babies!

We had a COLD one today- FRIGID as they said on the weather site! The boys didn't have school and I didn't go in to work at Tom's. TOO COLD- and the lake effect was heading towards Tom and Martha's house. I did get to Lowe's though, and got the wood and paint for Lindsey's project... had to do something productive! Eva stayed in with Uncle Jeff though- I didn't even want to take her out! We played dress up- as you can see- and Eva wore a long skirt today. She's so cute with her big belly and her skirts! Her hair is getting bigger and bigger- we did trim a tiny little bit from her bangs today, since she doesn't really like putting her hair up, and it gets in her eyes. I put it in a little baggie for her baby book- but it still doesn't count as a REAL haircut!!
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Sunday, February 04, 2007

Margaret's Party

Margaret turned one on Friday- Groundhog's Day- and the cake was SO CUTE! Jill made her a groundhog out of a candy bar and M&Ms. She loved that candy bar too- Grandma Judy had to pry it out of her hands long enough to get the almond out of it and then she gave it back!
Here's the gang- ready for cake! Margaret had a cute pink shirt on, then laid down for a quick rest.... Brian went up to get her when she woke up-- and came down with her "Nebraska Cornhuskers" outfit on. What a guy!!! But I guess it was a better cake eating outfit anyway!! She'll always have her Uncle Brian!
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Saturday, February 03, 2007

Another Sleepover Photo!

Just watchin' a movie- for a little quiet time!
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Collin's Sleepover

Collin's having a sleepover tonight for his birthday- (like BJ did earlier in January)... of course they're a little wound up from the party... good idea Mommy! They're so cute together though! Luke and Collin have been buddies since the day they met- and Logan fits right in with them! Next year Collin will be going to the same school as Logan- so I'm sure they'll be buddies for a LONG time! They grow so fast- but the innocence is priceless in this wrestling photo!
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Eva in a BOX!

She did this one all on her own!!! She's a funny girl!
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The Baseball Gang!

We had a great time at the baseball birthday party!
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BJ and Collin's Party

We made a baseball craft (we even caught Daddies and Papas in the act!), watched a baseball flick, had cake and presents, and even had raffle tickets! Eva and Margaret ate plenty of popcorn and everyone had ballfield style hot dogs (served up by Brian- out of the cool hot dog cooker- that we borrowed from Uncle Tom!)

The movie was kind of neat- it was especially cool to have the "theater" all to ourselves! The Auburn Public Theater isn't quite finished yet, but they set up the movie screen and projector for us. Grandpa Dozer and Papa John even joined the kids for the movie! It was such a great place to have a party! The stage became the setting for the balloon fights, though... (they are boys, after all!) But they had plenty of room to play and the little ones could come out of the movie room when they wanted to... and the adults could sit in the other room and have coffee and visit, too!
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Friday, February 02, 2007

Helpin' Uncle Jeff!

Eva NEEDED to "help" Uncle Jeff get ready for the craft project for the birthday party... I guess my girl needs some tools! We're making baseball holders for tomorrow- it should be fun- we'll let you know tomorrow!
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