Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Evening Photos

Just a few of my favorite evening photos-Brian and Uncle Dave... the evening of "the incident" (they were a little LATE getting home one night- long story short- they got lost, and to top it off... Brian hit a rock and the canoe FELL OFF the van, taking our side mirror with it!!... so at MIDNIGHT, when we were about to call the police- they got home safely- if that's what you call it, with Patti and I pacing around waiting for them!)
BJ and Zachary at Cold Stream Pond
Uncle Dave with BJ and Zachary- as Brian was yellin' at me to get moving. Of course, afterwards he admitted that this is one of his favorite photos. (I had to wait until they were in the right spot!)

One of many gorgeous sunsets! This was right before "the hatch"- for those of you who are not familiar... which, until this day, included me... that is when the mayflies hatch, come up to the surface and have to live long enough for their wings to dry so they can fly away. The men and the trout go CRAZY!! Posted by Picasa

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