Sunday, November 30, 2008

Mama and the Babes

I had to set up the timer for this one... but it came out pretty good!
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Thanksgiving 2008

Eva looks lovely in her "chicken outfit"!

Unfortunately we have a little pre-teen fake smile going on here- my humor is no longer funny to "Mr. knowitall"!
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What a fun time.... eating a Thanksgiving feast with all the third graders last week! Here are Collin's buds, Logan and Kate... they're like the three musketeers!
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Monday, November 17, 2008


I can't decide if this is the face of an angel... or if it looks like she's up to no good!
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Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Collin's Class

What a crew this is! That's Collin in the bottom left corner with his scary mask!! Ken and I helped with the party and marched in the parade... all the way down town from the school!
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