Thursday, November 29, 2007


Eva DO IT!

Isn't she funny in the hat that Grama made for her- she (of course) needed to put it on herself
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Toddler Taming

Eva is reading-- I just thought that her choice in books was pretty ironic!
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...if only we had some SUN!
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Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Eva in a Basket

I walked past Collin's room and had to do a double take... this is Eva watching television!

She just discovered TV recently- but apparently watching it from the laundry basket is much more comfy! She also discovered that it drives Collin crazy when she gets a hold of HIS blankie!
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Monday, November 26, 2007

Eva Got the Sharpie!

She was so mad that it wouldn't wash off-- Mommy's glad she only colored her finger, and not the registers like she colored with the washable markers-- WHERE DOES SHE FIND THESE THINGS!?!?
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Barn Siding- 2 Sides!

Pay no attention to mounds of CRAP inside the door of our beautiful, newly sided barn!! Two sides down- one and a half to go... YEAH!!
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Sunday, November 25, 2007

Siding Guys

Stay tuned for the updated barn front... it was dark when they finished! There's still some prep work to be done on the other side so that can be done too-- YEAH!! WE HAVE WALLS! Thank you Brian (even though you made a stupid face instead of smiling), Eddie and Uncle Gary- for all your hard work! And of course, we have to thank Mom & Walt and Dad & Rachel for their Christmas present of barn wood!! I never imagined that barn wood would be one of our most exciting Christmas presents!! What a difference with the front done- can't wait to show you!
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Barn Siding

They're moving right along on this project! (I couldn't help but post progress pictures- we've been waiting a LONG time to get WALLS!) I'm glad I'm in charge of kids...
...we're INSIDE doing crafts- while the boys are enjoying the "cooler" working weather. (notice the SNOW on the ground!)
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Saturday, November 24, 2007

Brian got a BUCK!

Not a "monster" rack... but a huge deer! GOOD JOB DADDY!
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Eva got her chair out to do Brother's hair-do... what a good brother!
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Happy 40th Aunt Patti!

I'm sure she'll be thrilled for me to advertise that to the world- but we love Aunt Patti!!! We all had a great time at her dinner last night- I haven't laughed that hard in a LONG time!
Uncle Ben and Aunt Vaughn made a last minute trip up for the occasion- and to steal Grammie from us! (She flies out from JFK- direct flight) Grammie's freezing her heinie off up here!
Doesn't she look beautiful... for an old fart!! ;)
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Thursday, November 22, 2007

Thanksgiving 2007

Same place different year... same great food and family.
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Eva and Janie

Two girls in tights, slippin' and slidin' around the kitchen and playing with the cat door to the basement... they are so cute together!
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Sami and Brian (GEORGE!)
LOOK--- he DOES smile!!!!
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Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Getting ready for Thanksgiving...

...that's funny...

Mommy's still up making cookies and appetizers!
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I know Martha posted these photos on her blog- but I thought it was pretty funny! This was Auntie Martie's first experience with an Eva tantrum (about a month ago!) Fortunately she's a pro and didn't give in to the easy out of giving her what she wanted- and she hasn't had much trouble since then! Some other people I know need lessons in that area (not to name any names.... Daddy!) so that she doesn't turn into a monster brat!!
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Making Cookies

You could say that Elise and Griffin are Eva's "other" cousins... they all have fun at their Auntie Martie's house! Auntie M gets to have cookie parties when school's out! Elise and Griffin are almost exactly one year younger than BJ and Collin and they've known Eva since she was born. Elise, of course, is the mini mommy- and Eva loves the attention! Griffin is the little "sh*# disturber" as Grama Colleen would say- he is so much like Collin, it's scary! Last time Grif and Collin got together, Martha and Tom's house was "accidentally" flooded with the hose... INSIDE! Good thing Auntie Martha has patience- and the option to SEND THEM BACK HOME!!!
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Thursday, November 15, 2007

Collin's Turkey

Mommy and Collin had a fun time making his family turkey for homework. Eva tried to help- but wasn't very helpful (beads everywhere!)... we had a consult with Dad to tie the tie... and well... BJ is eleventeen- enough said. BUT Collin and Mommy had a great time!!!
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Sunday, November 11, 2007

EXTREME leaf jumping!

Kinda freaked me out at first- but MAN DID THEY HAVE FUN! Talk about a super BIG pile of leaves-- High diving into an Olympic sized pile of leaves! (and nobody broke anything!)
Luke, Collin and Logan-- too bad Lukes mouth is covered-- they're all missing a bunch of teeth! They had a blast today...
... and so did Miss try-to-keep-up-with-her-brother Eva!
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What are these CRAZY things you've put on my hands!!
It looks beautiful out- but it's cold! It's not really cold enough to HAVE to wear mittens- but we may as well get used to them, because we're gonna need them soon enough!! Eva got a new coat and everyone got new boots to get ready... we just need some HATS to go with them all!! Eva NEEDS a pink and purple hat... hint, hint... to go with her purple coat and pink boots.
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