Thursday, August 23, 2007

Potty Time

I know- I'm a terrible mother for posting a potty picture- but I thought it was funny! (You can't SEE anything!)... the book was funny!
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Sunday, August 19, 2007


When they came and dug up the bulldozer, they left an ugly dirt area-- so I threw a whole bunch of wildflower seeds on it. And now I have the most beautiful field of sunflowers and a thousand other flowers... and gourds! I have no idea where they came from but we have hundreds of gourds growing! I guess we're always full of strange surprises!!
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Eva was squealing at this sight yesterday- what a beautiful double rainbow from our front yard!
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Baseball Trophies

BJ and Collin are in Florida now- but the day they left for Papa and Nana's we had our picnic. They will add another trophy to their collection! This photo is with our friend- Coach Chris.
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Auburn Doubledays

Both BJ and Collin's teams had their buddy nights at the Doubledays field- and Abner was there, of course!
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Saturday, August 18, 2007


BJ's a hitter this year!! Their team did so well- and they're growing so fast.
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Brian and Pete's Graduation Party

We all had a great time at our pigroast graduation party... food, volleyball, horseshoes, bonfire, fireworks, a little rain-- but it was still good!
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More fun at Grama's

Can you tell who is always the center of attention?!
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Swimmin' At Grama's

BOY DO I HAVE SOME CATCHING UP TO DO!!! Thanks for waiting for the updates, while I stop over in the "LOONY BIN" for a while!! We're still moving stuff from our Auburn house-- NOTE: Brian was right... I AM a pack rat! Mom has been such a huge help- besides... she loves to bag up garbage!!

These photos are from nearly two months ago- I hadn't even emptied my card since then!

As you all can see they're still CUTE!
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