Saturday, December 30, 2006

Christmas/Birthday with the Sawkins

This is the newest addition: Hannah May!...
...and April with the kids (we couldn't get them all to look at the same time, of course)...
...Collin with his "wife" Anya!!!...
...and Daddy with his birthday cake- and his "helper"!
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Friday, December 29, 2006

Eva's Tea Party

Eva spends a lot of time playing "tea party" with her princess dishes! And she loves to dress up! She picked out her clothes this day. (As you can see I'm just catching up on the blog posts-- since our "CRASH"!-- this was from before Christmas, but SO CUTE, I had to share it with you still!)
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Feel the LOVE! (they got a new Playstation 2 from Grama Colleen and Papa Walt!)
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Christmas Eve!

What a handsome boy!!...
And a monster girl!!!.....
.... in a "Grama original"!!!!
And we had our own little Santa!
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Christmas Morning!!

Holy cow!!!...... Santa brought lots of presents!!!
Eva was so excited- and opened presents for DAYS! She needed to get EVERY piece of wrapping paper off the gifts and play with each toy... and try on all the clothes!!! I do love this age! And as usual Santa was sneaky, and dropped off our Christmas PJs while we were out on Christmas Eve. All matching, of course!
Uncle Jeff stayed at our house too- and we had a "pile on Jeff" picture with the kids!
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Friday, December 22, 2006

BJ's concert

The holiday concert was very nice- BJ did very well in the band and chorus. And Alex played his violin- he always does a great job too! In the final number they all sang together- Eva danced through most of the concert too!

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Collin's First Lost Tooth!

Collin was so proud... he FINALLY got to leave a tooth under his pillow!! (FYI: BJ just lost his last "molder" today too!) For those of you who don't know- we're putting together a list of Collin-isms- and "molder" is one of the newest! Kids say the funniest things!
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Eva found the Chocolate!

Eva discovered just how yummy mail is!! Grama's package was quite a treat! Of course, when we discovered that she had helped herself to the candy- we grabbed the camera first- then the paper towels!!
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Monday, December 04, 2006


Oh- I couldn't make you wait! (just in case the computer crashes again!) As you can see Eva was perfectly fine with Santa from a distance- but was NOT going to sit on this strange man's lap!! (poor Santa looks a little tired too!) The boys told him their lists and hope to get all kinds of good things!! ;) Posted by Picasa

Decorating for Christmas

It just took about 6 hours to get this #@$%*! computer running again- isn't that nice typing next to our beautiful kids' pictures! But- I had you in mind, Mom, while Jeremy and I worked on it! And thanks to Eva's new back up hard drive that she got from Auntie Martha and Uncle Tom for her birthday- Mommy didn't have to stress about losing pictures! The computer is running very slow though, and I still don't know what's wrong with it- but at least it's running long enough to post a couple pictures!

Don't you love our tree and our outdoor lights?! As you can see- BJ got up on the roof with Dad to hang the lights. Of course he thought he was the king up there! Eva hasn't messed with the tree very much- she touched it and it was quite prickly- so she backed off. She probably thinks we're all nuts- with all these lights and "pretties" all over!

I'll try to post the Santa pictures tomorrow- I'm exhausted (it's nearly midnight- and I have work tomorrow!) It's been a very frustrating, need to throw the computer out the window, kind of day!!!
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Sunday, December 03, 2006

Cutting Our Christmas Tree

This first photo is strange- I know! This was Mommy's attempt to be IN a picture, with Daddy resisting, of course! (so I just set the camera on the ground!)
The kids enjoyed themselves and we found the perfect tree- after looking at ALL THE TREES! It was about 35 degrees out and it started to snow while we were there- but as you out of towners can see- we don't have any snow yet. Usually we have to dredge through a couple feet to get a tree!

We'll send update photos after we decorate today! Posted by Picasa

Friday, December 01, 2006

Eva and Margaret are getting SO BIG!

Aren't they so cute?!

Margaret is still a little afraid when Eva, the bull, comes running at her! She climbs up me to escape, before Eva tries to "kiss" her! Posted by Picasa