Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Helping Auntie Martha

Eva spent this beautiful day with Auntie Martha- and they took advantage of the warm weather to fill all of her bird feeders... which looked like more of a chore with Eva's help!! It's also very hard to feed the ducks when you eat the bread yourself!
And how do you like Auntie Martha's newly assembled laundry room? It has an Eva sized sink! Posted by Picasa

Monday, November 27, 2006

Eva Walking

Can you see her steps?! She's gettin' to be a pro now!

By the way- these are "Grama PJs"-- they're a little long- but she's growing like a weed!

I miss you Grama Colleen- but don't worry... I'll save some growin' and teethin' for the summer time at your house! And as for your "pink blankie" comment: IT'S EVERYWHERE! You can probably look and find it in 90% of the pictures of Eva! We have two- and Auntie Martha has a backup at her house too! Posted by Picasa

Another Eva Hair-Do

It didn't stay in her hair very long- about 30 seconds after this picture was taken, as a matter of fact, it was gone! I guess I'd better start putting her hair up more so she can get used to it. Her curls are filling in- it's SO CURLY! Posted by Picasa

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Eva at Thanksgiving

SHE'S OFFICIALLY WALKING NOW!!! Can you believe it! She was doing pretty well the night before Thanksgiving- but just like when I was little, I think it's the dress that motivated her to just get up and walk!! Now she's on the move!
Eva really loved Max, as you can see- and he was very good with her. She discovered the stairs that didn't have a gate infront of them- and she had a little turkey before dinner! But by the time dinner was over- she was a little tired- it had been a long day with a lot of activity! Posted by Picasa

More Thanksgiving

All the kids that were at our Thanksgiving:

Collin & Axel,
Brandi (with BJ & Zack beatin' on each other),
Brianna & Collin,
the big girls Britnie & Samantha,
Zachary & BJ on the trampoline,
Eva, and
Sami with their new puppy Max.
And the big people, of course:

Aunt Donna & Uncle Gary
Aunt Patti & Uncle Dave
John with Brianna
and Brian's brother Jeff Posted by Picasa

Thanksgiving Dinner 2006

This was Brian's attempt to get everyone in the picture- including himself!!! (Uncle Gary's missing though!)
And from the other end- in case we missed anyone! Posted by Picasa

Monday, November 20, 2006

Winter Hats

It's cold out and Eva was NOT HAPPY about wearing a hat... at least indoors- she got over it as you can see by the next photo! She was probably too hot inside- or just wanted her paci! It was snowing when we left for school- the boys love it- but all Mommy has to say is... YUCK!

**I also have to brag about our newest accomplishment-- (I don't have pictures- Eva would kill me when she got older- I guess I even have a limit!)-- Eva went peepee on the potty! She's gone several times a day since last week!! I think we hold the record for the first baby to crawl to the potty-- she still won't walk, despite her new big girl ways! I just thought I'd introduce the potty since she is usually in the bathroom when I am- but she totally gets it! She claps at herself and says YEAH- then we say goodbye and flush. She doesn't go every time by any means- but I thought it was pretty great! I'm still not sure why she doesn't want to walk- but I'll take potty training anyday!
 Posted by Picasa

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Collin's Turn to Hunt

All dressed in BJ's camo- he just wanted to see what he was missing! Turns out that he was a little bored! But he did pretty good for his first time out there. They didn't get anything, but they saw some deer... "couldn't get a good shot" says Daddy!

Did you see my shot though-- I took a picture of this beautiful deer the other day on my way to work. That was before shotgun season opened up... she's probably a gonner by now!! She was pretty close (can't really tell with my camera- boy do I need an upgrade!) But it took a lot of noise to get her to lift her head up!! All these men and their camo and stinky dander and pee, and I couldn't get the thing to pay attention to me- I whistled and coughed and whoo-whoed... it probably new it was too close to the road to get shot!! Posted by Picasa

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Eva's New Car

As you can see- she loves her new car! She picked it out herself, and of course Daddy and I couldn't resist... she's NOT spoiled... she used her allowance money to buy it! (or something like that!) She has a car at Auntie Martha and Uncle Tom's that she just loves, so we thought she'd like to ride around our house too. We do have tons of space in our huge house, ya know! (what's one more toy!- look at that face!) She even helped with the assembly- Daddy was tapping on the wheels, and Eva came over to help wack the wheels. It came with a talking cell phone too!... and a horn, and sirens, and music... it's amazing what technology $14 will buy! Posted by Picasa

Friday, November 10, 2006


This was Eva's first time at the "Playplace"... she had nuggets and fries and even got her very first "Happy Meal toy"! I took the kids (and Eric) on Friday because school was out and I thought it would be a fun treat... NOTE TO SELF: not a good idea! Avoid fast food, in "prison city", on a no school day. It was packed full of... hmmmm... looking for an appropriate word for our blog... CRAZY PEOPLE! Eva enjoyed herself anyway- and the boys used up some energy... I might need therapy though! Posted by Picasa

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Brushing Teeth

Eva now has FOUR teeth!! ... She needs to brush! She's been watching her brothers brush, so she got the idea right away-- I just hope she watches Mommy for potty training tips, and doesn't try to copy her brothers!! Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Another Grama Original!

We have winter clothes from Grama Colleen too!! Isn't it CUTE! It's only a tiny bit big- but it's fine with shoes! Hey Jill-- Do you recognize the fabric?!

Eva's getting much more brave with walking now... still not "officially" walking- but close. Sometimes she forgets that she's not holding on. And we can bribe her with chocolate- so she CAN walk, when she wants to! Posted by Picasa

Sunday, November 05, 2006

It's COLD outside!

...but we're still playing! BJ, Collin, Alex, Luke and Eva had a fun time playing in the leaves today! (and on the swingset!)

Eva really liked going down the slide- and the boys liked to take her down, too!-- She got 4 times as many turns as anyone else!! Posted by Picasa