Sunday, April 30, 2006

Eva in the Sun

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Jack & Jane came to visit!

We had a picnic ( I did say picnic!), at Aunt Patti & Uncle Dave's house today. The kids jumped on the trampoline, played baseball & ran around outside in the beautiful sunshine! As you can see, the twins are getting big... so are all the kids! Grandma Joyce leaves tomorrow to go back to Florida- but she'll be back soon. The kids are exhausted- all that sun, I guess. But they had fun! Posted by Picasa

Saturday, April 29, 2006


"All this wiggling and scootin' makes me tired... I think I'll rest for 2 seconds and start again... you don't expect me to stay on that playmat, do you?" Posted by Picasa

Lost Cheerio!

"I've lost a Cheerio- has anyone seen it?!" Posted by Picasa

Monday, April 24, 2006

6 Months Old!

We didn't have cake like BJ did, but we did have pickles!!! (One of BJ's favorite foods at that age!) I guess they don't look very much alike- but this picture of BJ is from his 6 month birthday at Grama Colleen & Papa Walt's house (on Horseshoe Island Rd.) Posted by Picasa

Sunday, April 23, 2006


Eva learned something very important today... if you throw Cheerios on the floor, your doggie will come over and eat them!! Posted by Picasa

Friday, April 21, 2006


SPRING IS OFFICIALLY HERE! (the daffodils are up!)

Eva got a new swing for the swing set- as you can see she loves it!!! Posted by Picasa

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Mommy and Eva

Just a quick post for Grama!! (somebody's getting a little upset about seeing Easter pictures all week!!!) Sorry - it's been a little hectic this week! Posted by Picasa

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Easter Morning

The Easter Bunny brought so much stuff this year! Even Eva seemed to be excited with her new toys! And as you can see- it WAS light outside. We actually woke Eva up at 7:30 (the boys were ready to hunt for eggs and see what was in their baskets!) Daddy actually woke up first and wondered when the kids would be up!! What a surprise! Posted by Picasa

BJ, Collin & Eva

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Eva's Easter Dress

Isn't she so CUTE! Posted by Picasa

All the Kids!!

Kirsten, Brandi, Todd, Axel, Britnie, Brianna, Brian, Samantha, Cassidy, Josh, Alex, Lucas, Collin, BJ, and Zachary... Eva and Magaret were napping when we took the photo! (Right before the Easter egg hunt) Posted by Picasa

Easter Egg Hunt

Everyone got together at Aunt Donna & Uncle Gary's house again this year... at least the weather was better than last year!! Posted by Picasa

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Coloring Easter Eggs!

We had fun coloring Easter eggs last night... Collin got his fingers a little die colored!!! Oh well- it'll come off... eventually! Hooch has an egg too- Collin was still working on it! BJ colored eggs at Grama & Papa's house, but he comes back home tonight! Can't wait to see you BJ!! Just in time for the Easter Bunny! Posted by Picasa

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Collin & Eva

Eva's starting to scoot a little... now we're in for it!! But her brother sure is proud! Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Playin' With Daddy

...and his Yankees hat!!! (it makes a great teething toy!) Posted by Picasa

Trip to the Zoo

As you can see, we had beautiful weather for our trip to the zoo! It was 74 degrees in upstate NY (can you believe it!) We took our friends from the Roberts family...Hunter, Logan & Winnie. We were able to pet the elephants, see all the animals (even the new penguin exhibit), climb on rocks, and best of all... eat ice cream
OUTSIDE! Of course, Eva thought the ice cream was the best part too!! Don't worry BJ... Griffin is out of town too!!! Posted by Picasa


This was our trip to the Museum of Science and Technology. We missed having BJ there, but he's having fun in Florida with Grama and Papa!! Margaret slept a lot (until we wanted to go to the movie, of course!), but the boys played with the exhibits and IN the exhibits!! Eva enjoyed looking at the new things and at all the people. She even went to see her first movie... The IMAX movie. It was my first time at an IMAX movie too. We saw the under the sea movie, so it felt like the fish were swimming all around us. Eva kept whipping her head around to see all that she could. Collin learned a lot too. He learned that the coral has been damaged by all the cinnamon (sediment), and that the fish cooperate with each other in order to survive. He especially liked the octopus, the turtle (like on Nemo), and the electric thing (eel). Alex was telling him the names of the fish he knew during the movie, so they were actually learning something!! I'm not sure what they were supposed to learn while climbing through the big tubes, but they sure loved it! Posted by Picasa

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Eva's Easter Basket

She was more interested in eating the Easter grass (don't worry it's not the plastic stuff- it's paper!), than smiling for a picture! We do things BIG around here... bushel baskets make great Easter baskets!!! Posted by Picasa

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Jolly Jumper

Mommy , Eva & Collin are playin' hookie today! Poor BJ had to go to school, and Daddy had to go to work, and we're home having all this fun! Eva's motrin has kicked in- can ya tell? We won't mention the screaming fits in the middle of the night, not eating or sleeping, and having to call the pediatrician at 9AM to get her (and Collin) in to see the doctor! You know Collin is sick when he actually admits he doesn't feel well. His throat and his "brain" hurts! Just a virus according to the doctor... when does Mommy get to rest?! Oh that's right... I just went on vacation! I need a trip to some tropical island where reality gets set aside for just a couple days!! Whenever I see an older person at the store or something, they always say..."take advantage of the time you have with your children while they're young." I love being a Mom- more than anything- and people ask where the time goes... so fast... I think it slips by because parents are delirious with exhaustion! But as you can see from all our photos, we have lots more great times than bad ones- hopefully that will continue for many years to come. Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

BJ's Spring Concert

BJ's concert was this evening- he did such a great job! (I tried to get some pictures in the auditorium- but it was so dark!) I asked him to pose for a quick photo at home so I could put it on the website... so now he thinks he's going to be famous! He's also in Chorus and they were so good. He has a beautiful voice, a little timid about singing in front of all those people, but it didn't show when they started. There are a lot of great kids in band and chorus- hopefully he will want to continue with them. His music teacher thinks he's doing a great job- it sure does boost his confidence. We're very proud- it was so hard to hold back the proud Mommy tears! Posted by Picasa

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Family Photo

Not a bad shot for hanging the camera on a tree branch by it's strap and setting the timer!!! ( it was while we were walking back from our fishing know I wouldn't have been able to stop the boys on the way!) Posted by Picasa


Trout season opened this weekend!! So the boys did a little fishing. Eva hung out with Mommy in her Snugli carrier... she LOVED hiking through the woods and watching the boys fish... they didn't catch anything but they got a lot of "bites" ( shhhh- we won't tell them that they were snagging bottom!!--they were having fun!!) Posted by Picasa