Thursday, March 30, 2006

Loungin' at Grammie's

She sure knows where the camera is!! Posted by Picasa

In Florida with Papa, Nana, & Grammie!

Eva really loves her Papa Jim, Nana & Grandma Joyce! We had a great time visiting- Eva especially likes all of Papa's kisses and wiskery tickles! She got sooooo much attention from all the people that love her while we were in Florida... life will be boring at home! ( I'm sure Daddy will have lots of kisses for her, though!) Posted by Picasa

Friday, March 24, 2006

Last Day at Grama & Papa's

Mommy loves the hat! Eva definately knows that a camera means smile and be CUTE! Posted by Picasa

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Visit with Aunt Martha & Uncle Tom

We went on a boat ride and saw the dolphins in Charlotte Harbor... (of course, we have no pictures of the dolphins- they only showed up when we put the cameras away!) Eva helped Papa drive the boat- then fell asleep, of course! We had a great time visiting with Tom and Martha. Auntie Martha had really missed Eva! It seems that I don't have any pictures of Tom... I'm not sure if that is because he gets out of the way of the camera, or that Eva is a camera hog! Either way- he'll have to pose when we get back home! See everyone in another week!! Posted by Picasa

First Ride on the boat!

Eva liked the ride, but really didn't like the life jacket! We have a picture of Collin (same age...same life jacket) that looks just like this one. He was just as cute, too! They look so much alike- it's scary! Posted by Picasa

Swimmin' with Grama

Eva sure did enjoy the pool! Posted by Picasa

Eva's Daisy Sunsuit

Another one of Grama Colleen's sewing creations! Eva is the best dressed baby, I think!! Posted by Picasa

Monday, March 20, 2006

Our trip- Day 2

We're still having fun as you can see! Playin' in the exersaucer, visiting with Grama & Papa, taking a walk (we saw Sophie- one of the neighbor's dogs), wearin' new clothes (Grama made this beautiful dress-Aren't I pretty?!), and swimming in the pool, of course! I really like the hot tub best though, it's just my size! Posted by Picasa

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Our trip to Florida (so far)

From snow to this!!!! We're loving our trip to Grama's, and Eva likes the weather (she can be naked!!- don't tell Daddy!). She was so good on the plane and she loves the pool! And as you can see, we figured out how to post pictures from Grama's house. Posted by Picasa

Friday, March 17, 2006

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!

Just one of Eva's "first" bibs! ( and a green bow of course!) We'll see you tomorrow Grama Colleen!! Eva and Mommy are on their way to Florida tomorrow- so we may not be able to post pictures for a little while. We're going over to the east coast to visit with Nana, Papa Jim and Grandma Joyce on the 24th, and will be back on the 30th! (with lots of pictures!) Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Eva's overalls!

We're starting to put barrettes in Eva's hair- SO ADORABLE! The only problem is we lose them in the strangest places...Aunt Martha found this one in Eva's pants yesterday! And she lost a sock at Lowe's! I guess we'll get it together eventually! Posted by Picasa

Monday, March 13, 2006

Helpin' with the Laundry!

Eva was helping Auntie Martha with the laundry... BIG help I'm sure!! Posted by Picasa

Eva on Daddy's Shoulders!

It's been so long since I've posted a picture! (the phone line has been out- and since we still live in the dark ages of dial up...we've been cut off from the world!) Anyway... we're back... and as you can see Eva is STILL CUTE! (oh yeah, and Daddy too!) Posted by Picasa

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Eating her toes!!

We're trying to eat breakfast and all Eva is interested in is eating her toes!!! Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Collin and Eva

Eva just loves her big brothers! Especially when they pay attention to HER!! Posted by Picasa

Monday, March 06, 2006

Eva and Margaret

The girls got to visit with each other a little bit today! Margaret was very interested to find out what that screeching noise next to her was...and Eva wanted to chew on Margaret's arm! They were very cute- but obviously they don't know how to play together quite yet!! Posted by Picasa

Saturday, March 04, 2006

1st Night in Crib

Mommy hates it, but she has to move to her crib sometime. Eva's definately getting too big for her bassinet (even though I want to keep her in that forever). She was fine in the crib- and slept through the night JUST FINE! I was afraid she would think the crib was a play place, since that's were she plays while I shower and get ready in the morning. We wound the mobile, said goodnight, and left the room, expecting a struggle...but she went to sleep without so much as a peep! Such a good girl. As much as I want to pause time, to keep them all little, time still marches on. Posted by Picasa

Eva's hats!

We decided to have a hat fashion show (the boys thought it was hilarious!) Eva was pretty amused too...until about hat #15...that's when we lost her! She's used to having her picture taken now though- she can't help but be a ham! Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Aunt Martha's House

Eva really enjoys Aunt Martha's house! Eva has discovered that sitting up is way more fun than laying down- so Aunt Martha got out the high chair and Eva went to town!!! And in an attempt to quiet fussy Eva- the mirror was also a great discovery! I loved the mirror picture because you can see the swirl in Eva's hair! She was laughing and talking with herself... until I showed up with the camera of course! Posted by Picasa