Monday, February 27, 2006

Visit with Grama

Just a quick visit with Grama- we'll see you soon! Can't wait until our March trip! Posted by Picasa

Eva at 4 months!

She still has blue eyes! Posted by Picasa

Long Island Trip

I can't believe how all the kids have grown! We had a great time in Long Island- we're always sad to leave... (the kids always go home kicking and screaming!) Eva was a little unsure at first, but warmed up to everyone quickly- Aunt Vaughn is especially fun to talk to (Eva was telling all kinds of stories!) Katie and Kerrin took turns lovin' the baby, and the boys played with Jake and his buddies, Jonathan and Patrick (who is almost 16- 2nd picture).

Hope all is well with everyone on the island- can't wait to come back soon! Sorry we missed you Julie, Rob and Robbie- we'll make sure you're going to be there next time! Posted by Picasa

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Eva's bouncer!

Just a quick post for Grama! I tried to post a movie clip but it didn't work! (sorry!) Eva sure loves her jolly jumper. Posted by Picasa

Monday, February 20, 2006

Alex's Birthday Party

Margaret slept through the whole thing, Eva was a grouch, and the boys hardly stood still long enough to take their picture... but Jane and Jack were perfectly willing to pose!! They are getting so big! (and they're still as cute as ever!) Alex seemed to enjoy the company, and he did a great job cutting his orange cake for everyone... now he's "double digits"- they're all growing way too fast. Posted by Picasa

Thursday, February 16, 2006


It's a few days late- but Mommy's been a little sick the last couple days! At least Eva cooperates with all these photos- okay...she's too little to complain! Posted by Picasa

Monday, February 13, 2006

Our new furniture!

We got rid of the big pink monster of a couch! I still haven't finish sewing the new curtains and throw pillows, but it's looking a lot better than our other stuff! Brighter and more space ( more room for baby stuff- it's taking over our world!) Of course, this photo was taken from the stairs- the boys are hams, but Brian wasn't really thrilled about it! Posted by Picasa

Happy Valentine's Day!

Eva already spit up on one Valentine's outfit- her heartbreaker outfit is in the laundry! Good thing we have lots of clothes to choose from ( a girl can never have too many ya know!) This set is from Aunt Martha and Uncle Tom...CUTE! Posted by Picasa

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Eva & McKenna

It's hard to believe that Jenn and I have been friends for nearly 20 years now...and here are our daughters playing together! Such cute little girls! Posted by Picasa

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Baby Genius

"Who needs practice?! I've already mastered eating and grasping objects in one sitting! I figured I would just feed myself (who needs Mom!), then I'll go give myself a bath!"

P.S. "Applesauce and bananas together- now that's a treat! I'm skippin' that yucky cereal for sure!" Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Happy Girl!

I love pictures where you can see the complete lack of teeth! She was in such a good mood I had to take a bunch more pictures! Posted by Picasa

Can't wait till Summer!

So cute in the hat, but Eva really doesn't like it! The snowsuit is okay, but the hat is pushing it! Posted by Picasa

Cute Kids!

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BJ, Collin & Eva

Eva smiles perfectly when her brothers are in front of her, but she doesn't like it when they're behind her! We are going to attempt a real portrait of the three of them soon (at the studio-with their Easter clothes on!) Eva has a cute little Easter dress... hopefully it won't be SNOWING like last year!! Posted by Picasa

Monday, February 06, 2006

Hi Aunt Martha!

"Aren't I so cute in the towel you got for me?" Posted by Picasa


Applesauce is SOOOO much yummier than cereal! It started out a little scary- then it ended up good and messy! Eva was grabbing Mommy's hands by the end, to get more of that yummy new stuff. This week applesauce-next week..... bananas! Are we allowed to skip that yucky cereal? Posted by Picasa

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Hi Grama!

Just a quick's been a little hectic, but Grama Colleen is anxious for more pictures. Her hair is getting longer and starting to curl up on the ends! And you may be able to hear her from there- she's discovered her "voice" in the last couple days! Posted by Picasa

Friday, February 03, 2006

Margaret and Eva

"I'm not really thrilled about not being the only princess anymore!" Margaret Joyce was finally born on February 2nd, at 11:51PM! This is the first of many, MANY pictures to come, of the the girls! Posted by Picasa